Macrium reflect how to clone to bigger drive
Macrium reflect how to clone to bigger drive

macrium reflect how to clone to bigger drive

With the advent of larger, multi Terabyte, disks the physical sector size has increased on some disks to 4096 Bytes. Intel RST Driver DownloadĪ sector is the smallest addressable block on a disk and until recently all disks had a sector size of 512 Bytes. Note: If your PC uses " Intel Rapid Storage Technology" (RST) also known as "Intel Matrix Storage" then you may need to update the Intel Matrix/RST driver to the latest release when moving to a disk that supports Advanced Format 512e.

macrium reflect how to clone to bigger drive

Note: Disks with a physical sector size of 4096 Bytes that implement 512e will show 512 The 'Bytes/Sector' field will display the sector size. A list of all locally attached disk will be displayed in the right Window. In the Window that opens, expand 'Components' > 'Storage' and select 'Disks'. Press the 'Windows' key, type 'System Information' and press 'Enter'Ģ. The table below shows compatible disks for the source and target of restore and clone operations:ġ. The error indicates that the target disk has a larger sector size than the source or you are using a USB disk enclosure that is changing the reported sector size of the disk. When restoring or cloning you may see the error message box below and be prevented from continuing with the operation: However, some external disk enclosures are remapping the native disk structure to enable > 2TB disks to be used with Windows XP. There are no disks currently available that would cause this issue when connected directly (i.e. It does not concern disks used to store images / backup files. This is only an issue with when the structure of the target disk for a restore or clone differs from the source.This article explains the reasons why you might see the error message "Incompatible Disk Selected" when attempting a Restore or Clone operation.

Macrium reflect how to clone to bigger drive